Lawmakers rise to the ‘Challenge’

Op-Ed by Amy Meek  |  Citrus County Chronicle Through this weekly column, I have shared several stories about the homeless individuals and families our United Way has been able to serve. Our Rapid Rehousing Program is funded through multiple grants as well as private...

Go West – Then North

Op-Ed by Ralph Massullo |  Citrus County Chronicle Americans have always had a pioneering spirit, always being the first to explore a new area. Many of the original settlers to our great country came from more developed lands in hopes to start a new life. That same...

Florida Realtors make endorsements in 87 legislative races

Article by Drew Wilson | Florida Politics The political arm of the Florida Realtors rolled out endorsements Monday for nearly every state legislative election slated for the 2018 ballot. “As Realtors, we pride ourselves on our long-standing efforts to defend private...

Representative Government: A Wonderful Thing

Op-Ed by Ralph Massullo, MD | Citrus County Chronicle When our founders framed the Constitution they could not have imagined issues like self-driving cars, privatized space programs, net neutrality, clean air and water initiatives, high school graduation requirements,...

We cannot even imagine

Op-Ed by Ralph Massullo |  Citrus County Chronicle As a parent of four children, I have received phone calls that have literally brought me to my knees regarding unfortunate incidences in their lives, but I could not even begin to imagine what a parent might think or...