Legislative Accomplishments
Where Dr. Ralph Stands on Issues Facing Florida
In his role as a physician, he’s gained a unique perspective about the health care. As a public servant, he’s fought to improve access to care and end practices by big insurance that put profits before patients. As the founder and president of his Lecanto-based practice, Dr. Ralph knows first-hand the challenges that facing business owners across our state. That’s why he worked hard to not only cut the red tape, but the taxes that all too often get in the way of creating jobs.
Standing Up for Individual Freedoms
Florida’s place as a beacon of freedom and opportunity is under attack by an out-of-control Biden Administration that wants to dictate to Floridians how to live and tell us what we can and can’t do. Ralph Massullo sponsored Governor Desantis’s anti-vaccine mandate bill that protected Floridians right to work and put a stop to the federal government’s policy of vaccine mandates. We can count on Ralph to always stand up for individual freedoms and pushback on the Biden Administration.
Enforcing Florida’s Law and Protecting our Borders
Through lower taxes and less regulation, Florida not only can, but must create a “climate” that attracts small and startup companies that employ our Nature Coast neighbors.
Keeping Florida’s Economy Strong
Upholding our Constitution
Session 2022 Bills
Session 2021 Bills
Session 2020 Bills
Session 2019 Bills
Session 2018 Bills
Session 2017 Bills
Hear from Dr. Ralph at Fire Up Citrus!
Learn more about Dr. Massullo's Point of View.
Read his Letters to the Editor and other articles that highlight the legislation he's filed to increase access to care, protect students, increase jobs and restore our waterways.
Contact Rep. Ralph Massullo's District Office
District Office
106 E Dampier St
Inverness FL 34450
Phone: (352) 560-6075
Contact Rep. Ralph Massullo's Capitol Office
Capitol Office
308 House Office Building
402 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300
Phone: (850) 717-5034